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Model Airplane ENGINE, Fuel & Prop FAQ'S
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RC FAQ Exclusives
Specific Engine FAQ's
Misc. Engine FAQ's
BME engine manual--a great resource for ALL gas engine owners
What do I do about my fuel soaked fuse and balsa?
Should I use a gas engine, or a glow fuel engine?
Fuel Mixing how-to, How do I mix my own glow fuel?
Fuel Mixing how-to, Mixing Homemade fuels (2)
Misc. Model Airplane Engine Component Manufacturers
Engine Standoff's by Roger Forgues--NEW!!!
Cline Fuel System--often mislabeled the Cline Pump
Perry Pumps and Perry Carbs & Valves, now by Conley Precision
Air Hobbies Accessories--Vel. stacks, smoke systems, fuel valves, exhaust tubing
TME Products -- Smoke pumps, check valves and flow valves
ceramic bearings - miniature precision ball
Taurus Engines--Big Boy starter, radial mounts, hubs, etc.
PSP Manufacturing--Good Fuel Dots, Fuel caps, spinners...
Silicone Fuel Tubing - Aerotrend Products
EASYFLEX Gasoline Fuel Tubing - Aerotrend
I first bought this Easy-Flex from B&B Specialties at the Joe Nall several years ago.... Tried it once, bought a reel and will NEVER use TYGON again...If you're running gas, you really need to get a piece of this stuff. It doesn't harden over time and doesn't swell up and get loose when pulled on and off your fittings! Randy
Engine Rings, custom made, about $4
Engine Rings, custom made, source 2:
For all of us modelers who need piston rings and cannot find them, try contacting Frank Bowman. He manufactures repro and current piston rings for our modeling needs. He can make standard and Dykes type rings. If he doesn't have the ring you need in stock, you send the piston and cylinder and he will make it then. prices are $7.50 up to $9.50. His work is of the finest quality.
Happy landings, Zach
Frank can be reached
at or
1-505-327-0696 ( 6pm to 9pm mst. weekdays) and the following address:
Frank Bowman
1211 N. Allen
Farmington, NM. 87401
Model Airplane Propeller and Spinner Manufacturers
Please see our Propeller FAQ page for the most recent information.
Dave Brown spinners at RCShowcase
Fly-Tec wood props sold by Nelson
Forgues Propeller--giant scale props for aerobatics--NEW!!!
Nova Spinners--NEW!!!
NX-Series props at Airwild Hobbies, for giant scale aerobatics--NEW!!!
Propeller FAQ page NEW!!!
Radio Controlled Airplane Muffler Manufacturers:
Abell Hobbies - R-C Mufflers and Custom Landing Gear
How do I solder Aluminum to repair my muffler?
I want an ULTRA CHEAP muffler!
Air Hobbies Engine Accessories
Air Hobbies Engine Mounts w/built-in Mufflers
Muffler FAQ's
Mousse Can Pipe-Muffler, or MCP
Build your own Tuned Mousse Can MCP
I want to build a simple, ULTRA CHEAP muffler!
How do tuned pipes work? Answered in the Bolly Book.
How do I solve my leaking muffler woes?
How do I solder Aluminum to repair my muffler?
Brazing stainless steel headers--a how-to on KS Krumsheid header assembly
Engine Ignition Manufacturers for RC Airplanes:
What is the Jump Start, SyncroSpark and ProSpark? Ignition System FAQ's
D&B Engines by Ridge Machine - Ignitions
German ignition maker. (RCS maybe)
Falkon Electronic--ZDZ ignition
Nelson Hobby Specialties (Pro Spark)
Air Hobbies Engine Accessories
Engine Manufacturers & Sources
Carr Precision, Experimental and Model Aircraft
Desert Aircraft -- Contacting DA
Desert Sky Model Aviation (raptor)
Just Engines (Aeromodelling Engines Spares Accessories)
M& R Gas Engines - The Ultimate in 3D vertical power
Model Engine Company Of America - MECOA HP RJL
MVVS Engines from Morris Hobbies
MVVS-nl, Pe Reivers, engine guru extraordinaire
Modellbauzentrum-Leipzig, in German
ZDZ ... TOPMODEL - ZDZ engines
A&M Aircraft Engines has been gone for a number of years. They were bought out by Walker Machine, then parts were bought by Precision Eagle. Bill Oberdieck, of Taurus Engines.
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this web site is copyright 2000 by All rights reserved.
Revised: April 07, 2002 .