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Balsa & Suppliers
NEW!!! How much does my WOOD weigh? NEW!!!
Assembling multiple pieces of sheeting, like wing sheeting
Superior Balsa...who gave me Excellent service & Great Balsa!!!
Superior Balsa describes balsa in detail
Balsa Wood Facts and Weights, by Skyhooks & Rigging
Superior Balsa's FA Q's on balsa
Midwest Products has balsa, Basswood & More
Wicks Aircraft Supply - Everything from wing tubes to fiberglass
Fiberglass Cowls, Accessories & Suppliers
Click to read some straight forward info on fiberglassing
Steve Weber, (No web site, although
his cowls look GREAT!)
Box 185
Langton, Ontario, Canada
N0E 1G0
(519) 875-1533
Fiber Tech.
TNT Landing gear
Abell Hobbies - R-C Mufflers and Custom Landing Gear
Vacuum Forming Supplies & Information
Vacuum Forming--how to build & use
Gold Scallop vacuum forming tool kits in 3 sizes
Proto-Form Vacuum forming plans & supplies
Hobby Stuff--Vac-U-Form machines in 3 smaller sizes
Vacuum Forming Canopies by Paul Sampson
Castcraft - vacuum forming information
WarmPlastic.com, Modeler's Vacuum Former
Industrial Vacuum forms from Special Effect Supply
TNT Landing gear--wing tubes, alum. landing gear, props & more
Gator R-C Pattern plane supplies and Wing Tubes
Wicks Aircraft Supply - Everything from wing tubes to fiberglass
Diamond Custom Panels--instrument panels for scale model airplanes
Composite Landing Gear by Ohio RC
TNT Landing gear--wing tubes, alum. landing gear, props & more
Anchor Bond Product--the BEST epoxy for all around building--with pumps!
Gator R-C Pattern plane supplies and Wing Tubes
Wicks Aircraft Supply - Everything from wing tubes to fiberglass
Abell Hobbies - R-C Mufflers and Custom Landing Gear
Darrol Cady carbon fiber rods etc. cf
Sure Link Custom Control Systems
servo arms...SWB Manufacturing Website
Mcdaniel R-C glow drivers & misc.
UCV Manufacturing, Alum. pushrods and control horns
Snow Ski's from Lynch's Hanger
Great Planes Model Manufacturing Home Page
PSP Manufacturing--Good Fuel Dots, Spinners,
Airwild Hobbies, wing bags and
Scale Pilots, 27%-40% from DH Models
Acadian RC -1/7-1/8 Scale Pilots, the original RAM pilots
MGA Scale Pilots from Ohio R/C--Ohio is "temporarily" out of business.
Crazy Pilots--crazy looking & custom pilots made from photos
Hobby-Lobby--cheap hand painted rubber molded pilots
Graphics & Lettering
Bill Fulmers Custom Cut Lettering
Fasteners and other Hardware Sources
Dalton Model Aircraft, specializing in Giant Scale
The best and quickest builder I know
of is A. J. Lee of Midland, TX. He had 5 planes at the TOC this year.
You can call him at 915-687-4142. His prices are reasonable and he can
modify to your desire. Ken York from the GSAL email
Cornell Michaels - Precision Kit Cutting
Engraved, Marked & Cut Samples
Kern Electronics and Lasers, Inc.
Laser cutter with good pricing--Jeff Clark
SIG Manufacturing Co. (Yes, they do laser cutting.)
Several Wood Kit Suppliers (less plans)
Model & Kit Manufacturers
Aeroworks Home Page 303 366-4205
Air Flair, Inc. international home page of our RC model aircraft.
Bill Griggs Models Speed 400 electric model kits ducted fans motors R-C
Bowman's Hobbies - EPP Foam Model Sailplane Kits
Carl Goldberg Models Inc. - Home Page
Chuck Cunningham's Sky Master Industries
D and L Designs, R-C Model Aircraft Plans & Kits
Dave Patrick Models-Team Patrick – home
Dave's Aircraft Works--small, scale foamie planes
Dick Hanson's models--IMAC and Pattern
Folding Flyer Radio Controlled Airplane
HobbyFlite Inc foam flying wing and boeing 747
Kyosho Stratus Sports & Soarus Sports
Mattes Models-- $15 Blue Foamie
MM Glider Tech--park flyers, foamies, combat & slope soaring
Modaire Industries - Scale Twin Engine RC Aircraft Models!
Precision Aviation, by Bob Godfrey
R.C. Models America, Inc.- Complete Large Scale Model Aircraft Kits
RCstore.com - Radio Control Plans, Magazines and Books
Tim McDonough's Electric Flight Products
UCV Manufacturing, giant scale aerobatic planes
ZNLINE (Large IMAC type airplane models)
Plans (For viewing plans, download the free TurboCAD.)
StarCad Plans Complete Free Model Airplane Planes in CAD
Planos R/C, site with over 300 plans
Plans misc. planes access. and Park & Slow flyers
Dingo--Cheap Wingo knock-off plans
Pibros Construction Article--a foamie delta
RCMicroFlight.com - Plans Download
Airborne Magazine Plans Home Page
RCM Alphabetical Plans Listing
Balsa USA, Model Airplane Kits
Bob Banka's Scale Model Research
Pat's Custom Modes, from little electrics to Giants, mostly scale planes
RCstore.com - radio-control model books, plans and magazines
Wing Mfg. Giant Scale RC Airplane Plans
NEW!! Compass Light Aircraft Gallery--1657 photos of 368 aircraft!
aviators studio - fai world grand prix - aircraft - profiles
Aerobatic Gallery paint schemes
Zivko Aeronautics Inc., Mfr. of the EDGE series
Panzl S-330 Unlimited Monoplane, a derivative of the Staudacher
these links are bad, and I'm looking for their new home:
--Hundreds of 3-view drawings on Eduardo's Page
All of the information on
this web site is copyright 2000 by rcfaq.com. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 11, 2002 .
email webmaster@rcfaq.com