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Model Airplane Reviews & Links
RCFAQ Exclusive Reviews...
MVVS 1.60 gasser NEW, 4-1-02!!!
Lanier Edge 540 ARF Review NEW, 4-1-02!!!
Ohio RC 75" Ultimate Biplane Review NEW, 4-1-02!!!
In Progress!!! Hangar 9 1/3 Scale Extra 330L NEW, Jan. 10, '02!!!
ZDZ-80 single In Progress, too.
Recommended Sources rcfaq
Model Tech 3D Magic NEW, Updated, 9-29-01
RCS 1.4 model airplane engine review rcfaq
Hangar 9 Edge, by Dick Hanson
TS Engines mini-review by Jeff Brownell
Doghouse Extreme By Evan Chapkis--NEW!!!
Fourmost Miter Sander--a MUST-HAVE Tool! rcfaq
Tool Reviews from ShopNotes and Workbench Magazines
Litco Alpha 4 Battery Management System By Clifford Begnaud
A model boat builders newsgroup/list archive, asking about miter saws
Best $695 $495 Benchtop Milling Machine (Please note this is the Atlas version (discontinued), very similar to the current Harbor Freight model. There are differences in the Grizzly model, one is there is no aluminum in the Griz components.)
Machinery Reviews:
Engine Review LINKS
See our exclusive engine prop/rpm chart, too!
RCS 1.4 model airplane engine review rcfaq exclusive
MVVS 1.60 (26cc) gasser New!!! 1-'02
Airplane Review LINKS
H9 Cap conversion from OS 1.60 to ZDZ New!!! 1-'02
Radio Controlled Product Review Index
R-C Plane Reviews Bulletin Board
SCAT's giant scale kit Reviews
Carden 35% Cap 232 by Bob Hudson
Carden 40% Edge 540 Construction--by Bob Hudson
AeroPro Laser 200 by Steve Faust
AeroPro Cap 232, 87" w/Zenoah G62 by Steve Faust
AeroCraft 30%, 92" Staudacher 300GS by Steve Faust
Pirate Cap 232, 35%, with a 3W-100 twin, by Steve Faust
Giant Scale Planes CAP 232 ARC, by Van Flowers
Giant Scale Planes Staudacher ARC, by Van Flowers
Great Planes Airplane Skill Level Guide
All of the information on
this web site is copyright 2000 by rcfaq.com. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 18, 2006 .
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